Name(s): Roboreverie, Robo, Reverie, Carol
Age: 20
Pronouns: Any
Birthday: April 3 (♈︎)
MBTI, Ennegram: INTP-A 5w4
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Socials: FANDOM on Wikia, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest
- Robo is most active on FANDOM and Pinterest.
- They like 80s and 90s pop culture, cartoon action movies, flowers, and moe, idol, and maho shojo anime.
- Their dislikes include war films, the MCU, and bugs.
- Their favorite character is Egon Spengler from Ghostbusters.
- Their oshis are Kanan Matsuura, Shizuku Osaka, An Shiraishi, and Marika Mizushima.
- Their favorite Pretty Cure are Cure Passion, Cure Rhythm, Cure Rosetta, Cure Flora, and Cure Soleil, with their favorite Hirogaru Sky Cure being Cure Butterfly.
- Calling it "headless horseman autism" like it's any better than "touch of the 'tism"
- Despite how grating they'd probably find it IRL, they'd love to be a woman in STEM!

Wait, so this site is not ran by a kangaroo? Why would you lie about something so simple as this? If not ran by a kangaroo, what would this site have to do with kangaroos?
Well, that is a question that will be lamp-shaded for now.

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